Wednesday, 19 September 2007

It's all over... until NEXT YEAR, that is!

So how was your Roald Dahl Day? Did you have fun? And did you manage to answer ALL the questions in the Roald Dahl Day quiz? (we have to confess that some of the questions managed to stump even the brainiest boffins here at RDDHQ!)

Don't forget to send us your RDD photos too (check the the terms and conditions). You can send stuff to and we promise to post the best ones here on the RDD website, so that the rest of the world can see what a scrumdiddlyumptious time you had on Roald Dahl Day 2007!!!


mjged said...


Felix Roan Xiao Feng said...

Roald Dahl, The best of the best ;)

Bookie Nook said...

you are my are my author of the month

Anonymous said...

oh ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh

Unknown said...

i would like to see some good photos!
Roald Dahl Collection